So, I’m a big fan of IKEA. Although I created a no-IKEA furniture zone in my living room, I still know the names of all of their furniture families the way other people know hockey stats. My knowledge was recently put to the test at Web Directions North by the product manager of Dreamweaver. He asked me what a Kimsta was. I correctly answered that it’s the cheaper version of the POÄNG.
The IKEA site is usually great. Their sites are so intuitive and consistent that I can easily navigate through the international sites without needing to know the language. Var kan jag hitta någon som talar engelska? (And, yes, different countries do have different products.) So, this came as a surprise to me:
Please note, that we are experiencing difficulties with the feature to set a cookie to automatically open up to a preferred updated store page. We are currently working on future enhancements to our website to better serve you. In the meantime, you may continue to receive your local store updates by visiting any of the store pages listed on this page. If you need to remove an old “homepage” that you have set, please choose “None” from the top of the dropdown menu below, and that will take you back to the IKEA National homepage. From there you will be able to view our most current information. We thank you for your patience!
Jag behöver hjälp. I lost my patience reading down to the “patience!” and I actually know what they’re attempting to explain. They’re not solving anything for their customers here and are confusing more than they’re helping. My rule of thumb: if you can’t read an error message out loud without running out of breath, it’s probably too long.